Women for Women
CFWNC is Here to Help

Advising Your Clients

When your clients' needs involve charitable giving, CFWNC can partner with you to achieve their goals. Our services make charitable giving effective, convenient and meaningful. We can help you extend and deepen client relationships, expand your role and connect family members over generations.

An annual professional seminar with continuing education credit, informal "lunch and learns" and an e-newsletter exclusively for professional advisors to keep you informed and connected are available for advisors.

CFWNC can help when client wants to:


“I have great confidence that CFWNC will help my clients find the right solutions. Over the last few years, I have referred clients with significant charitable intent to the Foundation. Each wanted to create a fund for legacy giving after their deaths. To meet their charitable goals, CFWNC created tailored donor advised funds. In each case, my clients have decided to begin giving significant amounts to their fund during their lifetimes, allowing them to see the benefits in the community now from their generosity. Significant additional assets will flow to their charitable funds through their estate planning documents, creating a permanent source of support for organizations doing valuable work in WNC.” Evan Gilreath, Gilreath Shealy Law PLLC 

Photo by Michael Oppenheim.

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Our knowledge and experience encompass all aspects of charitable giving, including complex gifts, the impact of philanthropy on tax planning, retirement and the sale of a business.

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Want to learn more?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I refer my clients to The Community Foundation?

When you partner with us to serve your clients’ charitable needs, you are connecting your client to personalized giving solutions, tax-wise financial strategies and deep expertise in philanthropy, delivered with professionalism and integrity.

What is CFWNC's fund minimum?

Most funds can be established with a $10,000 permanent minimum gift. Additional gifts can be made in any amount. There are no setup costs.

Is there an administrative fee?

Any fund with assets is assessed an annual administrative fee on a quarterly basis. The fee schedule depends on the type of fund and the fund amount.

What about clients who don't plan to give until they die?

Clients who plan to give from their estate can designate The Community Foundation to receive assets under their will, trust or by beneficiary designation without making a current gift. We will help them create a fund agreement specifying their charitable wishes. Donors can amend their agreement at any time without needing to update their legal documents.

What assets can my client give?

A fund can be established or added to with almost any type of asset. Community Foundation staff is experienced at evaluating unusual assets and offering strategies for turning them into charitable resources.

How long does it take to establish a fund?

Most funds are created with a simple governing document that requires just one conversation between your client and the Foundation’s staff, but we spend whatever time is needed to understand your client’s situation and intent.

Are there investment options?

Yes! The Community Foundation offers several portfolios so clients can align their charitable investments with their preferred investment style and social values. CFWNC also has relationships with many of the region’s wealth management firms so clients can continue to rely on a trusted advisor for investment of charitable assets.

What if my client is considering a private foundation?

Establishing a charitable fund might offer advantages over creating a private foundation. We are glad to help your clients compare their options.

Can you come to my office to meet with my client or make a presentation to colleagues?

Of course! Please email or call the Community Foundation at 828-367-9900 to schedule.

Stay Informed and Connected to Your Peers

An annual professional seminar with continuing education credit, informal "lunch and learns" and an e-newsletter are available to advisors.

"My clients count on me, and I refer them to CFWNC because I know that they'll be treated with professionalism."

Dan Akers smiling in front of a mountain background