What is a Charitable Remainder Trust?
A charitable remainder trust is a lump-sum gift to CFWNC, from which donors or their designated beneficiaries receive annual payments. These payments may be either fixed or based on a specified percentage of the trust’s changing value, as specified by the donor. Once the beneficiary(ies) are deceased, the remainder of the trust is added to a fund at The Community Foundation, created or selected by the fundholder.
There are two kinds of charitable remainder trusts, defined by the payment option you select:
- An annuity trust pays a fixed dollar amount each year, equal to at least 5% of the value of the assets placed in trust. ($500,000 placed in trust will generate $25,000 in annual income, regardless of market conditions.)
- A unitrust pays a set percentage (at least 5%) of the value of the trust’s assets as recalculated each year. Payment amounts will increase or decrease with the annual market value of the trust’s assets.
Email our development staff for more information.