Women for Women
Giving Options

Give Today or Plan for the Future

CFWNC is here to make it simple for you to support what you love in Western North Carolina and beyond using convenient, customized giving solutions and tax-wise financial strategies. We are home to more than 1,300 charitable funds created by generous individuals, families, business and nonprofit organizations to support the region they care about.

You can create a fund focused on an array of needs or a specific issue, location or nonprofit organization. You choose your level of involvement, timing and how and when to bring family or others into giving decisions. And, you always have the option to be recognized for your gifts or to remain anonymous.

Hardy Holland and John Moody

CFWNC’s constituents fall mainly into three categories – fundholders, professional advisors and nonprofit organizations. Often there is crossover, and in the case of Hardy Holland and John Moody, they work with CFWNC in all three ways. Holland, who works in wealth management, often refers clients to the Foundation and calls on the staff for assistance and expertise. Holland and Moody are dedicated community volunteers who cite arts and education as their passions. The nonprofit organizations they work with utilize the Foundation’s asset management services and training. And, finally, they have planned for a gift from their estate that will support their favorite causes after their lifetimes.

Photo by Michael Oppenheim.

Our Fund Types & Charitable Products

Our public charity status provides maximum tax advantages under state and federal law. We accept a wide variety of assets and can facilitate even the most complex forms of giving. In most cases our annual fee is more affordable than the costs of a private foundation.

Not sure what type of fund is best for you?

You can discuss your options with our development staff and find the best fund to suit your charitable goals.