Women for Women

Grant Details

The Charlie and Tennie Allison Gibbs Charitable Fund awards grants to qualified charitable organizations or eligible government entities to purchase equipment to assist in hearing, for medical treatment, or for other forms of treatment or therapy to assist the deaf or hearing-impaired in Transylvania County.

Deadline & Dates

Applications are received and considered on a rolling basis until available funds have been awarded.


Tax-exempt organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and governmental entities serving Transylvania County are eligible to apply for these grants.

What We Do Not Fund

Grants do not support sectarian religious purposes; partisan political purposes; endowment funds; deficit funding or debt retirement; festivals or one-time events such as exhibits, performances or fundraisers; or activities taking place or expenses incurred before grant decisions are made.

How to Apply

1. Access Community Foundation Staff Assistance

If you would like to discuss your proposal or have questions regarding eligibility, contact Philip Belcher, Vice President, Programs, by email or at 828-367-9901.

2. Submit a Grant Application

Contact Diane Crisp, Senior Grants Manager, by email or at 828-367-9904 to receive an Access Code to apply. Begin the online application process to submit a grant application. The online system notifies applicants by email upon receipt of their application.

3. Review Process

Staff screens applications for completeness, clarity, and compliance with eligibility requirements. The Fund’s advisory committee evaluates grant applications, taking into consideration the Fund’s priorities, availability of funds for the stated purposes, applicants’ capabilities, and potential benefits to the community.

CFWNC distributes grant payments by electronic funds transfer (EFT). Each grantee must have current banking information on file at CFWNC to receive payment.

Reporting Requirements

Applicants must submit an online end-of-grant report verifying use of grant funds and results. Instructions will be included in the grant award letter sent by email to the head of the awarded organization, and report deadlines can be found in CFWNC’s online grant system. We may also require additional reports or site visits.

Guideline Modifications

The Foundation may modify these guidelines or make exceptions to them.

Additional Information

For additional information, download Recent Grants.

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